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Plant assortment

We offer a wide variety of products. From the usual nursery assortment to local specialities. Our cultivars are our passion.

We do not offer an online shop in the traditional sense. You can browse our varieties online and then simply collect them from us with some care tips.

On our website, but also in our nursery, you will find various furniture and garden items that you can pick up directly from us. We wish you a pleasant visit to our site.

Here you will find a total overview of our Magnolia including inventory details, Citrus including inventory details and our detailed list of standard nursery stock.

Entries found: 24

ErdeDuengerSamen Erde Spezialmischung 70l A850

Special mixture 70l
special blend Eisenhut, ideal for pot crops such as citrus and…


ErdeDuengerSamen Erde Aktiv Pflanzenerde 20l und 60l A851

Active potting soil 20l and 60l
Ready-to-use premium soil for planting and potting balcony…


ErdeDuengerSamen Erde Bio Erde 40L A852

Ready-to-use organic all-round soil for ecological gardening without peat


ErdeDuengerSamen Erde Gute Blumenerde und günstig A853

Fertilized potting soil with guano for potting indoor, balcony and container plants


ErdeDuengerSamen Erde Aussaaterde 70l A854

Ready-to-use special soil for lime-sensitive ericaceous plants
Also ideal for soil…


ErdeDuengerSamen Erde Rhodohum 70l und 20l A855

The classic for ericaceous plants! Floragard Rhodohum is a ready-to-use special soil for…


ErdeDuengerSamen Erde Rosenerde 20l und 40l A856

Ready-to-use special soil for planting roses in beds or in tubs
Strong and vital…


ErdeDuengerSamen Erde zitruserde und Mediterran20 A857

Our best for lime, orange, lemon, oleander & co! This is the low-peat Floragard citrus and…


ErdeDuengerSamen Erde Pinienrinde 60l A858

Natural, very decorative floor covering made from pure pine bark
Sieving in fine (7-…


ErdeDuengerSamen Erde Wasserpflanzenerde 20l A859

Floragard aquatic plant and pond soil is a ready-to-use and extra heavy special soil for…


ErdeDuengerSamen Dünger A892

We offer these items in our stores, for any other request/order please contact us by email or…
